Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG
Gehrenberg 2
33602 Bielefeld
Contact Information:
The company „Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG” is represented by its personally liable partners, namely:
(1.) Dr. Alfred Oetker Geschäftsführung GmbH, which is represented by the managing director with sole power of representation, Dr. Alfred Oetker and
(2.) Ferdinand Oetker.
Both representatives of “Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG” are vested with sole power of representation.
Company Register:
The company „Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG” is registered in the company register of the local court in Bielefeld [“Amtsgericht Bielefeld”] under the registration number: HRA 16997
Information on Consumer Arbitration:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (so-called OS platform), which you can find here:
The OS platform is intended as a contact point for out-of-court settlements of disputes which relate to online-sales-contracts or online-service-contracts. In this context we are obliged to provide an email address; this is as follows:
However we point out as follows:
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure in front of a consumer arbitration board.
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to contact us:
© 2024 by Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG. All rights reserved.